Sunday, January 25, 2015

Orchid Pests: Snails

I attended Utah Orchid Society's monthly meeting this month and learned about harmful pests that love orchids! If I covered every pest that I learned about during their presentation it would end up being a very long post. I've decided that I will post on one pest a month until I've covered everything I've learned. I also recommend looking into groups like this in your area. I met some very knowledgeable, friendly people that love orchids as much as I do!

European Brown Snail

Monday, January 12, 2015

Orchid Pots!!!

We know from my post on watering that orchids don't like to sit in water. Well here's another helpful tip when picking out a pot: bigger is not better. Orchids like to be snug in their pot so putting them in a larger pot can actually prevent them from producing flowers.

These are the pots some of my store-bought orchids came in (which are not good for your orchids!) There is no drainage in these pots at all and your orchids run the risk of sitting in water unless you add some sort of space at the bottom for the water. If you have an orchid planted in one of these make sure to tip them over and let the extra water run out. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Rest Period, Your Plants Not Dying!

Alright, here's my post on rest period. You've been taking really good care of your orchid and then the flowers start to shrivel up and fall off one by one. Don't be alarmed. Your orchid is going through a healthy, natural life cycle. Orchids can stay in bloom for three to four months at a time and this takes a lot of stored energy.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ice Cube Method of Watering

In my last post I said I would be posting on rest period and trimming, but it occurred to me that the first thing new orchid parents might be researching would probably be watering. I'd like to help out with this first since it is so easy to drown your orchid. I've talked to several people who read the little label on their new plant which said they love moisture and humidity and just assumed that their plant needed a ton of water. Humidity is not the amount of water in the soil they are planted in but the water percentage in the air.

An easy way to water an orchid is with a few ice cubes once a week. My day of the week happens to be Tuesdays. I've found that making a consistent watering schedule helps to keep from over watering. There have been times though when I've checked my plant and it seemed too dry. When this happens I wiggle my pinkie down into the soil just a little, so just my finger nail is under the surface. If the soil still feels dry and you don't want to add another ice cube take a spray bottle with plain water and spray the top layer. I'll often do this mid-week between watering because I live in a very dry region. You are trying to make humidity in the bark chips or moss around the roots so they don't have to be wet but damp.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My First Orchid

I love Orchids!
I want to fill my apartment and future house with them!
I want to have every color of the rainbow!
I only have five, well six if you count the baby one attached to my Red Emperor.

I don't really have a problem I just can't seem to talk enough about them. So I decided to try blogging about my precious babies. I am new to orchid raising but I thought I could share the little bit I've learned and possibly help out the new orchid owner as they search for helpful posts.

My addiction was started by my wonderful fiance when he bought me one to make me feel better. He saw a beautiful purple orchid in Smiths while he was out buying his sick fiancee some miso soup.